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Andrea Piccioni


Sleep, eat, code... repeat

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Developer| deh-vel-up-ur

  1. a person or thing that develops stuff: in e.g. software developer, someone having knowledge of a particular topic beyond the level of knowledge needed for ordinary usage of that topic
  2. often uses the words "awesome" and can speak many languages such as C++, Php, C#, Java, Visual Basic, and will almost definitely know what 1337 5P34k mean| various skills include the ability to make dirty jokes from UNIX commands and construct a working computer using parts from a remote control and a bubble gum wrapper.
  3. showing unified dislike for all three most recent I,II,III Star Wars films and hero worship of MacGyver and Chuck Norris (he stands up for the little guys).
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Cloud Software Architect

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If you can't sleep, this is for you. Some of my boring videos on youtube.

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